Professor Dawei Liang, leader of the Laser Technology group of CEFITEC, was included in the “World’s Top 2% Scientists list” by Stanford University in 2024.
Researcher Mónica Mendes, from the Atomic and Molecular Collisions group of CEFITEC, had her project approved for funding in the FCT Contest for Exploratory Projects in All Scientific Domains 2023.
The research article “Stable Emissions from a Four-Rod Nd:YAG Solar Laser with ±0.5° Tracking Error Compensation Capacity.” published by the Laser Technology Group of CEFITEC in collaboration with PROMES-CNRS (Authors: M. Catela, D. Liang, J. Almeida, H. Costa, D. Garcia, B. D. Tibúrcio, E. Guillot, C. R. Vistas) was selected as “Title Story” Excellent Article by Photonics journal.
On June 26th at 10 am, our PhD student Miguel Catela will defend his PhD thesis entitled “Advancements in Nd:YAG Solar Laser Stability Under Solar Tracking Error Conditions”. The defense will take place in the Academic Acts Room, Building IV.
The lowest threshold solar-pumped Ce:Nd:YAG laser with the highest solar-to-TEM00 mode laser conversion efficiency of 2.06% was reported by the Laser Technology group of CEFITEC, being 2.6 times larger than the previous record. This work is now published in the prestigious journal Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells (IF 6.9, CS 12.7)