João Pereira da Silva

PhD Student (PD/BD/142768/2018) (2018-2022)
PhD Programme: Radiation Biology and Biophysics
Field of Expertise: Applied Atomic and Molecular Physics

123 - Ed. I

Research Areas

PhD Thesis: “Low-energy electron interactions with boron containing compounds for pharmaceutical applications""

PhD Adviser: Prof. Doutor Filipe Ferreira da Silva

This PhD proposal aims to study fragmentation pathways of boron-containing compounds, such as aryl and alkyl boronic acids, triggered by low energy electron interactions. The work will be performed using a crossed beam apparatus equipped with a trochoidal electron monochromator and a reflectron time of flight mass spectrometer. Different boronic acids will be studied in order to understand the fragmentation pathways as well as the influence of nitro or halogen substitutes. The use of boron-containing molecules is well established in drug design and they were found to be excellent candidates for pharmaceutical applications. After Bortezomib, boronic acid being recognized by the US FDA, an increasing interest in boron-containing drugs has occurred. Understanding the underlying fundamental molecular mechanisms is crucial to achieve better knowledge about molecular targets under study. Low energy electrons play an important role in molecular chemistry, and reactions triggered by electrons can determine fragmentation routes and represent a tool in drug design.