Bruno Tibúrcio

Invited Assistant Professor at FCT NOVA, Physics Dept.
Lab. 242, Ed. I

Research Areas

I obtained my M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Physics Engineering from Universidade NOVA de Lisboa. During my research in the Laser Technology Group of CEFITEC, I´ve contributed significantly to several advances in multi-beam solar-pumped laser efficiency, and solar laser emission stability with tracking errors, some of which have gained international recognition. I also participated actively in three projects financed by SFERA II and III, Horizon 2020, in PROMES-CNRS solar facilities.

My main research goal is to contribute not only for sustainable energy production scaling but also for an industrial and technological decarbonisation. My PhD work focused primarily on the efficiency and the stability of the laser emission with solar energy concentration systems, significantly affected by errors in their alignment with the Sun. Thus, a critical key for the development and implementation of a more robust solar-pumped technology, suitable for different fields of low-carbon industry and polygeneration.

Currently, I’m teaching in the Physics Department and contributing in Energies and Sustainability journals as guest editor, leading the special issues entitled: “Advances in Photovoltaic/Solar Collectors and Their Potential for an Industrial Decarbonization” and “Solar-Pumped Lasers and Sustainable Laser Beams: Current and Future Development”.

Main publications

Book chapter: Tibúrcio, B. D. Solar Tracking Error in Solar-Pumped Lasers. In SolarPumped Lasers - With Examples of Numerical Analysis of Solid-State Lasers, 279-312. Springer-Nature, 2023.

Tibúrcio, B. D.; Liang, D.; Almeida, J.; Garcia, D.; Catela, M.; Costa, H.; Vistas, C. R.. Fresnel lens solar-pumped laser with four rods and beam merging technique for uniform and stable emission under tracking error influence. Energies (2023).

Tibúrcio, B. D.; Liang, D.; Almeida, J.; Garcia, D.; Catela, M.; Costa, H.; Vistas, C. R. Tracking error compensation capacity measurement of a dual-rod side-pumping solar laser. Renew. Energy 195, 1253-1261, (2022).

Liang, D.; Vistas, C. R.; Garcia, D.; Tibúrcio, B. D.; Catela, M.; Costa, H.; Guillot, E.; Almeida, J. Most efficient simultaneous solar laser emissions from three Ce:Nd:YAG rods within a single pump cavity. Sol. Energ. Mater. Sol. Cells 246, (2022).

Tibúrcio, B. D.; Liang, D.; Almeida, J.; Garcia, D.; Catela, M.; Costa, H.; Vistas, C. R. Enhancing TEM00-mode solar laser with beam merging technique and ring-array concentrator. J. Sol. Energ. Eng. 144(6): 061005 (2022).

Tibúrcio, B. D.; Liang, D.; Almeida, J.; Garcia, D.; Catela, M.; Costa, C.; Vistas, C. R. Improving side-pumped solar lasers using ring-array concentrators. Int. J. Sustain. Energ. 41 7 (2021): 868-888.

Tibúrcio, B. D.; Liang, D.; Almeida, J.; Garcia, D.; Vistas, C. R.; Morais, P. J. Highly efficient side-pumped solar laser with enhanced tracking-error compensation capacity. Opt. Commun. 460, 125156 (2020).


More information in:

ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1951-2957

Scopus ID: 57202130850
