The Ce:Nd:YAG solar laser pumped by the NOVA solar energy collection and concentration system was featured in the Journal of Photonics for Energy.



The Ce:Nd:YAG solar laser pumped by the NOVA solar energy collection and concentration system was featured in the Journal of Photonics for Energy.


The Laser Technology Group of CEFITEC, Physics Department of FCT-Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, studied the performance of solar laser using laser materials with a broader absorption spectrum in visible region (Ce:Nd:YAG), providing an increase in laser collection efficiency of around 40%, as compared to the previous record with side pumping configuration.


This experimental work, carried out with both NOVA and PROMES-CNRS solar facilities, was published by Journal of Photonicsfor Energy: Cláudia R. Vistas, Dawei Liang, Joana Almeida, Bruno D. Tibúrcio, Dário Garcia, Miguel Catela, Hugo Costa, Emmanuel Guillot, "Ce:Nd:YAG side-pumped solar laser," J. Photon. Energy 11(1) 018001 (19 January 2021), having been chosen as featured content in this journal, where NOVA solar energy collection and concentration system was represented:


The Journal of Photonicsfor Energy covers fundamental and applied research areas with a focus on the applications of photonics for the conversion, storage, distribution and efficient use of renewable energy.