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We advise you to start planning the trip at least 1 month before, but the earlier the better.
1st step: Filling in the "Autorização de Deslocação" (please ask for the form via email to This document ensures the lecturer or student is still covered by the Faculty insurance. It is mandatory for all trips.
If you are a student, please check if you have already provided CEFITEC with a document proving you are a student. You can ask this document to the Academic Division (Divisão Académica).
2nd step: Booking the trip. Please send the following data to (if you are a student, please send it with your adviser in CC):
- Project number (if you are a student and don't know this, please check with your adviser)
- Reason for travelling and/or the name of the conference to attend
- Destination (city, country) and Origin (if not Caparica/Lisbon)
- Date of Departure and Date of Arrival
- Means of transport (plane, train)
- If you request accommodation (please be aware that only hotels up to 3 stars are accepted), please provide a reference (e.g. the venue of the conference, a specific hotel)
- If you request the payment of a registration fee, please provide a document from the conference organization (e.g. pro forma invoice)
If you are a student please check if you need to bring with you payment receipts of meals and transports.
Please be aware that taxi receipts are only acceptable under very restricted circumstances - please be informed.
We strongly advise you book your trip via the Faculty instead of booking yourself and ask for reimbursement.
As soon as you arrive, please provide the following documents:
- Boarding passes or train tickets (originals)
- Mission Report [Relatório de Missão] (mandatory for all trips) - please ask for the template if you need one
- Certificate (mandatory for Conferences)
- Copy for the article/poster presented (mandatory for Conferences)
- Transport receipts, if applicable (reimbursements)
- Accommodation receipt (only in case of reimbursements)
- Meals receipts (for students only), if applicable (please see above)
- If you are a FCT scholarship holder, you may have to provide a copy of the email informing you have received the scholarship payment - please check
- If you attended a work meeting, you have to provide the attendance list and the meeting agenda
If you request daily allowances [ajudas de custo], a form will be filled in based on the documents above.
Last update: March 2020