Our Events

Incoming events organized by members of CEFITEC:

  •  Workshop: “Electron collisions with atoms and molecules”, Professor Masamitsu Hoshino, Sophia University, Tokyo, 5, 6 e 7   de Julho de 2022
  •  Seminário: "Isotope effect in cross sections of NX3 molecules (X = H and D) by low energy electron impact", Professor   Masamitsu Hoshino, Sophia University, Tokyo, 28/06/2022


Past events organized by members of CEFITEC: 

  • "CELINA 2017": September 13-16, 2017. Seminário do Vilar, Porto, Portugal. 
  • "POSMOL 2015": July 17-20, 2015. UNL Rectorate building, Lisbon, Portugal. 
  • "Photoptics 2013": February 20-21, 2013. Barcelona, Spain.
  • "7th Iberian Vacuum Meeting (RIVA 7)": June 22-25, 2008. FCT-UNL, Campus da Caparica, Portugal.
  • "ECCL Conference": 2008.
  • CEFITEC Conference "Physics and Technology Future Challenges": 2008.



Last update: March 2020